Spivey Family January 31, 2021 Reid and Kari Spivey welcomed in their identical twin boys Haze and Zayd in 2020 about two months earlier than expected. Kari had been diagnosed with preeclampsia at 33 weeks and it was decided that she check in to the hospital to be monitored. After some tests came back their doctor decided they needed to do a C-Section right away. During surgery Kari had some hemorrhaging and the Spiveys said that they were overjoyed when the boys arrived and they were able to see them breath and cry. Then after staying with us for 6 weeks they got to head home. TheSpivey's said"The boys turned 4 months old in January and to look at them you would never know they were born prematurely.They are hitting every growth and development milestone and keeping their mom and dad busy.We are so grateful to the Mercy RMH group for all of their generosity and support during our stay.Being able to spend every day with the boys when they were in the NICU made the entire situation easier to bear.We will never forget our time or the people at Mercy RMH." Previous Article Next Article