2021 Sporting Clays
September 30, 2021
Thanks to the support of our fabulous sponsors and donors, our 2021 Sporting Clays event broke records! Raising over $110,000, selling out with a maximum number of teams including 15 new sponsors! Thank you to Van Meter, Presenting Sponsor; McAninch Corp, PM Corporate Sponsor; KXS Transportation, Lunch Sponsor; Kids and Clays Foundation and the many sponsored teams for helping us break records this year, all to help Keep Families Close.
"We are incredibly grateful for all of our sponsors, donors, board and committee members who gave generously in support of Ronald McDonald Houses' mission," said Brenda Miller, RMH Executive Director. Tom Mass, Committee Chair knows how to inspire and lead the Sporting Clays Committee bringing fun and energetic competition to this event. I hope you can join us on September 23, 2022. Reserve your team now by contacting brenda@rmhdesmoines.org.